Why Myofunctional Therapy Suits So Many Healthcare Professionals

Over the years, through lecturing, speaking, and training myofunctional therapists, I’ve had the privilege of meeting thousands of healthcare professionals eager to discover the potential of myofunctional therapy.

Myo not only offers them fresh tools for better patient care but can also revitalize their careers and practices in meaningful ways.

I’ve identified three compelling reasons - what I call “The Three B’s”- that explain why myofunctional therapy suits so many healthcare professionals.


Many healthcare professionals yearn for something essential that feels absent in their careers. Often drained by challenging or even relentless workloads, some even grapple with dissatisfaction stemming from their inability to provide the exceptional patient care they envisioned in college. 

These providers seek a renewed sense of purpose in the profession they once loved. Myofunctional therapy provides an unparalleled opportunity for them to forge new...

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Myofunctional Therapy and Adult Orthodontics

As dental professionals, we understand how important it is to address orthodontic concerns at any age. However, many of our adult patients may believe that orthodontics is only effective for children and teenagers.

The good news is that there’s a growing realization among patients that it’s never too late to achieve a healthier smile, improved posture, and better overall well-being through orthodontic treatment.

Myofunctional therapy (myo) can play a crucial role in improving orthodontic outcomes for adult patients.

Ironically, many patients and providers believe that myofunctional therapy is only effective for children and teenagers because they’re still growing. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

In this post, we’ll explore how myofunctional therapy can complement adult orthodontics, improve treatment efficiency, and provide lasting benefits for adult patients - helping you offer comprehensive care that addresses both aesthetic and functional...

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The Language Of Tongue-Ties

sarah hornsby tongue-ties Jan 13, 2025

Is it possible that there's a language of tongue-ties? I definitely think there is, and here's why:

Have you ever traveled to a different country where they didn’t speak your language and tried to communicate with people there? It can be incredibly challenging!

I’m a native English speaker, and I have traveled to places like Mexico, Thailand, India, and France, and the language barrier can be tough, to say the least.

Did you know that speaking the language of tongue tie is much the same?

As a professional who is fluent in speaking “the language of tongue-tie,” I can tell you firsthand that communicating with other professionals and providers can feel like speaking a different language. 

To understand what I mean, let’s look at the history and evolution of our tongue-tie grading systems.

Dr Kotlow – Kotlow's Classification of Ankyloglossia

Dr. Lawrence A. Kotlow, a pediatric dentist based in Albany, New York, was instrumental in advancing the...

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