Patrick McKeown

In this free webinar, Patrick shares his knowledge about breathing and sleep apnea with MyoMentor Students and Graduates.

Don't worry - we recorded it so now you can join us and learn from him too!

Let's Go!


We learned about Patrick's new mouth taping product designed especially for kids. How to use it, why he made it, and why he's so excited to share it with all of us and our patients. 


Sleep and Breathing

Patrick enlightened us about so much more! From the effects that inflammation can have on breathing, how snoring, sleep apnea, and UARS affect our breathing and the overall health, the 4 phenotypes for sleep apnea, to research on CO2 and statistics on mouth breathing in children.

Learn, Grow, Share

Patrick McKeown is a wealth of information and knowledge and I'm so happy that he's a supporter of myofunctional therapy and what we do at here MyoMentor. 

I hope you enjoy this free content, and please get in touch if you have any questions. 

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